Dr. Mancini is co-author of several scientific papers published on national and international scientific journals.
See the list below or find Dr. Marco Mancini on
What Is behind In-Stream Advertising on YouTube? A Remote Neuromarketing Study employing Eye-Tracking and Facial Coding techniques.
19 Oct 2023 | Brain Sciences
Not all elements displayed in a YouTube in-stream video ad are attributable to the ad itself. Some of those are automatically introduced by the platform, such as the countdown timer and the time progress bar. In recent years, some authors started exploring the effects associated with the presence of such non-ad items, providing….
Time-Dependent Analysis of Human Neurophysiological Activities during an Ecological Olfactory Experience.
25 Aug 2023 | Brain Sciences
It has been demonstrated that odors could affect humans at the psychophysiological level. Significant research has been done on odor perception and physiological mechanisms; however, this research was mainly performed in highly controlled conditions in order to highlight the perceptive phenomena and the correlated physiological responses in….
Monitoring consumer responses to online advertising via neuromarketing techniques: an exploratory study.
11 Mar 2023 | European Journal of Volunteering and Community-Based Projects
Neuromarketing is a widespread research methodology in marketing, and nowadays is being employed also for the assessment of digital communication: however, no experimental research has been conducted on a website banner. This paper assesses the effects of this kind of digital stimuli on the consumer audience by using neuromarketing….
Esports and Visual Attention: Evaluating In-Game Advertising through Eye-Tracking during the Game Viewing Experience.
4 Oct 2022 | Brain Sciences
In recent years, technological advances and the introduction of social streaming platforms (e.g., Twitch) have contributed to an increase in the popularity of esports, a highly profitable industry with millions of active users. In this context, there is little evidence, if any, on how users perceive in-game advertising (IGA)…
Neuroscientific Methods for Exploring User Perceptions While Dealing With Mobile Advertising: A Novel and Integrated Approach.
8 Apr 2022 | Frontiers in Neuroergonomics
Display and native ads represent two of the most widely used digital advertising formats employed by advertisers that aim to grab the attention of online users. In recent years, the native format has become very popular because it relies on deceptive features that make harder the recognition of its advertising nature…
Message framing, non-conscious perception and effectiveness in non-profit advertising. Contribution by neuromarketing research.
2 Jun 2021 | International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing
Advertising for non-profit organizations through television commercials is a valuable means of communication to raise awareness and receive donations. When it comes to social aspects, personal attitudes such as empathy are significant for reinforcing the intention to donate…
Forefront Users’ Experience Evaluation by Employing Together Virtual Reality and Electroencephalography: A Case Study on Cognitive Effects of Scents.
18 Feb 2021 | Brain Sciences
Nowadays, we are witnessing a huge growth of Virtual Reality (VR) and its related applications as well as of the employment of VR in research contexts. The technological advances performed by the gaming industry allow researchers to design highly immersive virtual environments…
Antismoking Campaigns’ Perception and Gender Differences: A Comparison among EEG Indices.
2019 | Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
Human factors’ aim is to understand and evaluate the interactions between people and tasks, technologies, and environment. Among human factors, it is possible then to include the subjective reaction to external stimuli, due to individual’s characteristics and states of mind…
Consumer Behaviour through the Eyes of Neurophysiological Measures: State-of-the-Art and Future Trends.
2019 | Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
The new technological advances achieved during the last decade allowed the scientific community to investigate and employ neurophysiological measures not only for research purposes but also for the study of human behaviour in real and daily life situations…
Measuring Neurophysiological Signals, Fixations and Self-report Data for Product Placement Effectiveness Assessment in Music Videos.
2018 | Springer International Publishing
Product placement is a marketing technique that, by inserting products into a narrative structure, constitutes a likely effective tool to increase the visibility and notoriety of a brand. For years, the opportunities for product placement in music videos were limited…
Neurophysiological measures of the perception of antismoking public service announcements among young population.
2018 | Frontiers
The present study focused on the young population, because at higher risk of developing tobacco addiction, investigating the reaction to the vision of Effective, Ineffective and Awarded antismoking PSAs through: electroencephalography (EEG), autonomic activity variation (Galvanic skin response – GSR- and Heart Rate – HR-) and Eye-Tracking (ET)…..
Listening effort during speech in noise recognition: a neurophysiologic evaluation of consecutive sound processors.
2018 | Journal of Hearing Science
The technological development in the cochlear implants (CI) has been producing external processors designed to increase performances in patients facing word in noise recognition conditions. In our study we investigated the neurophysiological responses underlying these abilities, firstly aiming at obtaining an electroencephalographic (EEG) measure of the listening effort experienced by patients…
EEG variations as estimators of listening effort during recognition of words in noise in unilateral and bilateral sequential adult cochlear implant users.
2018 | Journal of Hearing Science
The listening effort, defined as” the mental exertion required to attend to, and understand, an auditory message”[McGarrigle et al 2014] is a matter receiving wide interest in the scientific community. In particular the challenge is its evaluation beyond the self-report data obtained through questionnaires or individuals’ verbal reports. Multiple evidences highlight a role for posterior Alpha and frontal Theta EEG rhythms…
Neurophysiological Responses to Different Product Experiences.
2018 | Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience
It is well known that the evaluation of a product from the shelf considers the simultaneous cerebral and emotional evaluation of the different qualities of the product such as its colour, the eventual images shown, and the envelope’s texture (hereafter all included in the term “product experience”). However, the measurement of cerebral and emotional reactions during the interaction with food products has not been investigated in…
Neurophysiological Profile of Antismoking Campaigns.
2018 | Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience.
Over the past few decades, antismoking public service announcements (PSAs) have been used by governments to promote healthy behaviours in citizens, for instance, against drinking before the drive and against smoke. Effectiveness of such PSAs has been suggested especially for young persons..
Wine tasting: how much is the contribution of the olfaction?
2018 | Springer International Publishing.
Neuromarketing predicts that multiple factors contribute to the choice of a product, among them, the perceived value, pleasantness, and emotion related to the use of it. In this framework, a particular field is constituted by luxury items, such as wine. Wine is particularly suitable to marketing effects, both extrinsic (label) and intrinsic features (volatile composition and color) lead to the constitution of the experienced value, and the analysis of the contribution of olfaction to the process of tasting is fundamental in order to study …
Gender differences evaluation in charity campaigns perception by measuring neurophysiological signals and behavioural data
20 Feb 2017 | International Journal of Bioelectromagnetism
Nowadays it has clearly understood that emotions play an important role in the success of commercial advertising. Particularly, it has been observed as advertising campaigns of non-profit organizations need to create an emotional appeal in people, in order to generate a positive behavioral response. The charity sector has grown tremendously in the last decades and with it the need to create…
Marketing Meets Neuroscience: Useful Insights for Gender Subgroups During the Observation of TV Ads.
2017 | IGI Global
In this chapter, findings of an experiment aimed to investigate cognitive changes of cerebral activity during the observation of TV commercials will be presented. In particular, it has been recorded Electroencephalographic data (EEG) from a group of 24 healthy subjects during the observation of a series of TV advertisements…
Neuroelectrical Indexes for the Study of the Efficacy of TV Advertising Stimuli.
2016 | Springer International Publishing.
In this chapter, we present the findings of an experiment aimed to investigate cognitive and emotional changes of cerebral activity during the observation of TV commercials. In particular, we recorded the electroencephalographic (EEG), galvanic skin response (GSR) and heart rate (HR) from a group of 24 healthy subjects during the observation of a series of TV advertisements…